Photos - C Branford
So you would like to go to an event
What to do:- To help getting started it would be worth watching the series of instructional videos produced by Manchester & Dstrict Orienteering Club. Its also worth familiarising yourself with things like orienteering maps by trying a few of our Permanent Orienteering Courses before you try a live event.
To find details of events in your area, look at the Dorset Flier link, the Events page of this website for events organised by Wimborne Orienteers or use the links at the bottom of this page to look at the events pages of our local clubs (Wessex, Sarum, Southampton) or the website of the South West Orienteering Association, which lists all events in the South West.
The fixtures pages of the British Orienteering Association carry all national fixtures but may not have details of the smallest local events.
All events will have red & white direction signs near to their location. Aim to arrive in good time. You will be directed to the car park area and will probably be handed a form to complete with your details.
Bring your completed form to the Registration tent or car.
Details of the available courses and their lengths will be shown here. Make your choice -don't be too ambitious if its your first event.
The courses are graded in terms of length and difficulty. White is the easiest and intended for young children. If you have never orienteered before and are going out as a family, we suggest you begin with the Yellow course. Adult novices might begin with Yellow or perhaps the Orange. The Light Green, Green, Blue & Brown courses are intended for more experienced orienteers and go mainly through the forest, rather than staying close to the tracks.
Almost all events now use an electronic punching system which has done away with the need to carry a control cards around your course. Instead, you will need to hire an electronic punch (a 'diibber'), which records your visits to the control sites.
Hand your completed form into Registration together with the Entry Fee and collect your dibber.
You may also be given your map but most events provide a map pre-marked with your course, which you collect at the start.
At most events, Start times are on a turn up and go basis. For major events, starts are at timed intervals to prevent following
If you are confused, please ask - orienteers are friendly people and most will be willing to help you.
Hot Tips
There will be lots of controls in the forest and most will not be on your course. Please check that the number and the control description are correct.
Do bring a change of shoes, socks & track bottoms - it can be wet and muddy.
Don't wear your new trainers and designer fleece: they don't look good spattered with mud.
Enjoy yourself and have fun!