Constitution and Policies

Club Constitution and Management Policies



Development Plan

Equity policy

Code of conduct for Officials & Volunteers

Code of conduct for Junior Members

Code of conduct for Parents and Carers

Role Description Club Chairperson

Role Description Treasurer

Role Description Secretary

Role Description Fixtures Secretary

Job Description Club Coach

Job Description Assistant Club Coach

Job Description Child Protection & Welfare Officer

Child protection

At the September 2004 WIM Committee meeting, it was recorded in the minutes that the club had adopted the BOF Child Protection Policy. Wimborne Orienteers is intent that children and vulnerable adults will find orienteering a safe environment in which to have fun, learn and develop. The Club will do this by adopting and promoting the British Orienteering Federation Policy on Protecting Young and Vulnerable People.

At the April 2016 WIM Committee meeting, it was recorded in the minutes that the club had adopted the recently revised O-Safe Policy. There is a link to ths policy on this page.
In March 2023, a dedicated page on Safeguarding & Welfare was added to the 'Coaching & Beginners' tab n the front page of the website.

First Aid

Useful BOF documents

O-Safe Policy

O-Safe summary

Safety Guidelines

Risk Assessment Form

Incident/Report Form

Incident/Accident Procedure

Insurance Documents and Insurance FAQ's