Nothe Gardens Permanent Course


This course is currently being being migrated from the OrientO app to the MapRun app (download from your usual App store or from The “Oriento” app can no longer be used to record your run & the QR codes are not accessible!

The map/course can still be used using pencil & paper for checking.We will update this website when the course is fully operational again using the MapRun app.Apologies for the temporary inconvenience.

The permanent orienteering course on the Nothe Gardens in Weymouth is fully open again: (19/04/21)the missing marker has been replaced: all is back to normal.
You can either borrow maps from the café at the Nothe, or you can download a pdf file of the map and instructions below and print your own.

Nothe Gardens Permanent Course Map                    Nothe Gardens Permanent Course Instructions for use